Routing and Levels of Service
The Madison Area Bus Advocates envision a A Local AND Streamlined Rapid System with at least 6 different types of bus routes or service:
1. core service running almost all the time
2. direct commuter service to and from outside Madison
3. peak commuter service with limited stops within Madison
4. circulators and shuttles
5. service for special need populations
6. connectors to intercity transport carriers
Bus Rapid Transit
- Transfer point: Madison accelerates plans to upgrade its transit system - June 5, 2019
- Plenty of challenges in bringing bus rapid transit to Madison - May 19, 2019
- Right of Way: Inaccessible public transportation limits employment, affordable housing options for Madison’s outskirts - Dec. 4, 2018
- Chris Rickert: Madison bus rapid transit is objectively good, practically difficult - Nov. 8, 2017
- Madison Plan Commission will take up bus rapid transit planning at Monday meeting - Nov. 7, 2017
- The Bus Stops Here: Bus Rapid Transit is NOT Your Regular Local Bus - Nov. 5, 2015
- Bus riders use State Street too - April 22, 2021
- Soglins public transportation reform proposal excellent use of city funds - Nov. 28, 2017
- Bus rapid transit right for Madison -- Natalie Spievack - Nov. 13, 2017
- Editorial: Accelerate to a better Madison bus system - Nov. 5, 2017
- Don't give up on bus rapid transit - Sept. 6, 2015