April 22, 2021 I was disappointed to see a recent online headline of “Prioritize people over buses on State Street in Madison” for the State Journal's April 14 editorial. The framing portrayed bus riders as if we aren’t people. The phrasing perhaps reveals how the State Journal editorial staff and many in our city view bus riders: as if we are some exotic “other” considered to be a problem, rather than as people with interests and needs like any other Madison citizen. While giving more space to business might be a worthy use of State Street, don’t forget that many people use the bus to get there. The bus is a very convenient way to reach the amenities of our Downtown without dealing with the hassle of parking or traffic. Our current bus system delivers people right to the doorsteps of State Street businesses. It seems short-sighted to push bus riders ever further from places where we seek to generate more activity and investment. But that concern may not come to mind if you forget that “people” actually ride the bus. This most harms those of us who need Metro most, those of us who depend on Metro for our only vehicular transportation.
Jonathan Mertzig, Madison |