Transportation Demand Management (TDM) combines marketing and incentive programs aimed at reducing the use of Single-Occupant Vehicles (SOVs). TDM also encourages the use of a range of transportation options, including public transit, bicycling, walking and ridesharing. The goals of a City's TDM programs are to improve mobility and access, reduce congestion and air pollution, and increase safety. These programs reduce the level of drive-alone travel by promoting walking, bicycling, carpooling, vanpooling, public transportation, and other sustainable modes. The City works cooperatively with citizens, businesses, and institutions in Cambridge and the Boston area to implement TDM measures. To help achieve its goal, the City has implemented a Parking and Transportation Demand Management (PTDM) Ordinance that requires developers to submit a PTDM plan for development projects that meet certain criteria. Common Transportation Demand Management Plan ElementsIn an effort to reduce the use of single-occupant vehicles, employer-sponsored Transportation Demand Management Plans may use a variety of strategies that are customized to fit the needs of the employer, employees and work-site location. Most plans include at least a few of the following transportation programs:
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