I ride the buses 7 days a week as that is my only means of transportation. Many of my neighbors will not ride Metro because of the behavior on the bus.
I have seen huge fights on the bus and at the North, South, and West Transfer Points. I have seen a child’s head bounced off the cement at the West Transfer Point while being attacked by 10 kids. Again on a Sunday, January 30, there was a disturbance on the Route 18 (one of the violent routes) at 4:25 pm. The driver totally ignored the situation until I starting calling the cops. There was group of teenagers harassing a male in his early 50’s. The male was ready to get into a physical fight with one female. Luckily, someone pulled him back into his seat. I requested that Metro pull the camera. There is no guarantee that Metro will pull the camera on a timely basis before it starts recording over. The other problem is that the cameras seem to have a problem with performance. For instance, on Sunday morning several panes in the bus shelter in the West Transfer Point were broken in a two hour timeframe. Again, the security cameras were not working. Madison needs to have uncover cops (like Milwaukee) on the buses to enforce the rules. Or better yet, we need better managers in Metro and in the city to deal with the problems. While Joel Plant was in the Mayor’s office, Metro made progress on rider safety. Now that he has left, there seems to be no performance standards for Metro.
In summary it is very unsafe to ride a Metro bus!
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