Routing and Levels of Service (2)
Madison Area Bus Advocates call for at least 6 different types of bus routes or service:
1. core service running almost all the time
2. direct commuter service to and from outside Madison
3. peak commuter service with limited stops within Madison
4. circulators and shuttles
5. service for special need populations
6. connectors to intercity transport carriers
Bus Rapid Transit
- Bus Rapid Transit Shows Promise for Madison: Study - June 3, 2013
- Bus rapid transit plan greeted favorably by Madison officials, despite high price tag - April 11, 2013
- Madison takes a close look at bus rapid transit - Aug. 24, 2012
- A commuter rail alternative - Oct. 6, 2009
- Rapid bus lines worth pursuing - Sept. 4, 2012
- Bill Malcolm: Bus rapid transit system would be good for city - Aug. 31, 2012
- Bus rapid transit, other simple changes could speed service - Oct. 10, 2009
- Why I prefer to drive to campus - Oct. 7, 2009
- Bus ridership up, and we should build on that - March 18, 2008
- Bus rider statistics can't be trusted - March 14, 2008
- How to make our bus system work - February 1, 2008
- Buses Should Still Run In Bad Weather, March 7, 2007
Circulators and Shuttles
- Return of Route 10—right past Willy Street Co-op - Sept. 2009
- Metro Transit Will Start Shuttle Service, Jan. 1, 2007