Gary L. Kriewald: Greyhound riders don't rate like elites

Wisconsin State Journal — 4/13/2009

I can hardly wait for the next chapter in "The Poor Little Doggie That Can't Find a Home in Madison," otherwise known as "The Bus Doesn't Stop Here Anymore."

Now that the story has reached the level of farce, it might be time to ask some unpleasant questions about how it began. As usually happens, we start with a developer snapping his fingers and the city government leaping into action. The result? The Downtown bus depot gets demolished, and yet another high-end apartment complex rises in its place.

Perhaps the next chapter should be titled "A Tale of Two Transit Systems." As soon as Gov. Jim Doyle announced plans for a high-speed train link between Madison and Milwaukee, the topic of debate swiftly became how many train stations Madison should have.

I've yet to hear the mayor or anyone else among Madison's elites express this kind of urgency for providing a permanent, convenient bus station for Greyhound riders. But then, of course, people who ride the Greyhound don't buy season tickets to the Overture Center or sample the artisanal fare at the Farmer's Market or book a room at the Edgewater. In short, they don't count.

- Gary L. Kriewald, Platteville.

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