Katherine Vanderbilt: Need philanthropists to build a bus terminal

Wisconsin State Journal
August 15, 2012

Now that the Frautschis have “saved” the Overture Center and The Edgewater, how about doing something for us common folk?

What Madison really needs isn't more places that cater to the “haves,” but rather people who give to the “have nots.”

Why not build a bus terminal for Badger and Greyhound service near Downtown? It wouldn't need to be fancy, just functional. It would serve a large section of people, not just the elite few.

- Katherine Vanderbilt, Madison
Source: http://host.madison.com/news/opinion/mailbag/katherine-vanderbilt-need-philanthropists-to-build-a-bus-terminal/article_139a4ecc-e686-11e1-afea-001a4bcf887a.html#ixzz23e5rQGw8

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