Lee Fassett: Transit workers who abuse overtime create poor image of public employees

The Capital Times, June 8, 2010

Dear Editor: Many public sector employees have experienced reduced earnings and benefits as a result of serious budget situations. Some have lost their jobs. Yet some Madison transit operators continue to abuse the system to pad their earnings and compensation. Seven transit operators earned over $100,000 in 2009. One operator had earnings of $159,000. How ridiculous is that! He worked more overtime than regular hours. It seems that he was sick a lot (13 days), but was always well enough for overtime! His six weeks of vacation rested him sufficiently to work overtime. Employees like this create a poor image of government employees, the vast majority of whom are dedicated and hard-working.

Who is at fault? The employee, management, arbitrators, City Council? Probably all of the above. The employee took advantage of a union contract. Management probably failed to monitor sick leave and vacation scheduling, which results in overtime. Arbitrators encumbered the city with unrealistic decisions. City Council approved the contract. Maybe Madison needs to consider contracting the transit services if a reasonable contract cannot be resolved with the union? Management has that right.

I have often heard local government officials justify expenditures upon the basis of significant state and federal funding. Who do they think pays state and federal taxes? Transit systems are significantly funded by external sources

Lee Fassett

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