Commenting on Metro's record of cancelling bus service for inclement weather

Wisconsin State Journal, Sat. Dec. 25, 2010
Barbara Smith

One recent Sunday (12/12), Madison Metro cancelled service because of bad weather (snow). This seems to happen several times a year, particularly on Sundays.

I wonder if there's a record showing Metro's cancellations because of inclement weather. I have a feeling that it's happening more often, especially on Sundays or expected low-ridership days. But I don't have the data on that.

I have mixed feelings about cancelling service. Of course safety is a top concern. But it seems absurd to see cars driving all around town when there's no bus service. Aren't there similar safety concerns for cars? Non-drivers need to pay for expensive cab rides on those days, if they do not feel they can postpone the trip. And there's little coordination of the cab service, so even groups of riders smack in the middle of town have substantial waits. Wonder if something more efficient can be arranged? We have to balance the constraints of a publicly-financed bus system with the reality that bus service is not a frill for many, but their basic transportation to work, etc.


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