Dear Editor: From labor to management and everywhere in between I claim it’s time to shut them down. Madison is a national leader and it’s time to say no to the unions and to demand that they get back to serving their fellow workers and stop thinking only about getting what they can get for themselves. Management is just as bad. Turn down the federal money; we would do better with our own local resources.
I say get the Amish in with horse and buggies. For one thing it’s better than diesel -- quiet and faster. I’d rather deal with their manners than the Metro drivers who are ready to meet you in the parking lot after work and drive off with you hanging off the bus, or drive-by service that leaves us standing at bus stops. I’d have a better chance of catching them when they leave me stranded at the transfer point. I’m not joking; we could do better with school buses and a fleet of vans, then fall back to horse and buggy and -- this is a jokey part -- rickshaws or bikeshaws. We are innovative, so let’s innovate and start by shutting down Metro.
Paul Nason In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. |