The Capital Times

Monday, January 28, 2008
Alta G. Jewell Madison

Dear Editor: Thank you, Chuck Litweiler! While you stood alone at the recent City Council meeting, please know that many bus riders appreciate your voice. I know of no one who rides the bus who does not detest the wraps.

While Metro continues to state that the interior of buses is not affected by the wraps, that only tells me that officials haven't ridden on one!

One of the reasons that buses, police cars, ambulances, firetrucks, taxis, etc., are painted the same is to convey a sense of awareness of the service being provided. An approaching Metro bus, wrapped in red or black, might just as well be an approaching beer truck or a moving van. By virtue of the wraps, Metro is undoing the recognition and familiarity of its service, and that is a disservice to riders as well as taxpayers.

As a regular bus passenger, I am keenly aware that activity on the bus cannot be seen from the outside. Bus drivers are amazing at "keeping the peace" on the buses, but there are occasions when passengers feel quite vulnerable. It would seem that Metro would strive to make the buses as safe as possible, and eliminating the wraps would be a simple step.

Furthermore, the funds that accrue certainly do not justify the alterations that the wraps make to Metro bus service!

While I dislike all of the wraps, I am especially offended by the wraps advertising alcohol and Dejope. The residents of Madison cast a very decisive vote to preclude Dejope from becoming a casino in the city - and now we are advertising it on the buses that carry our kids to school.

What will the City Council choose to advertise next? My hope is that it will simply be better service.

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